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  • Occult World Teaser - Iyalode Oriyangi

    Late night conversations in the cemetery with a New Orleans Voodoo Priestess. Meet Iyalode Oriyangi, a Spiritualist who specializes in Ancestral Spirits and The World Of The Dead. We will discuss venerating our ancestral spirits and why it’s so important that we do so.

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    Occult World Teaser - All Souls' Eve

    All Hollow’s Eve at the unmarked grave of a forgotten soul. Join Mr. Dark and Iyalode for a midnight picnic in the graveyard. They will discuss honoring the dead, compassion for lost souls, and will trigger paranormal activity while doing it.

  • Occult World Trailer - The Murder Suicide House Athens, TX.

    Occult World Trailer - The Murder Suicide House Athens, TX.

    In 2010 Justin Higginbotham shot and killed his brother Robert at the dining room table. After unloading 44 rounds from a 45, an SKS, and a Shotgun into Robert, Justin walked into his bedroom and put the shotgun into his own mouth. Where did this madness come from? Was it really just a fit of jealousy as the news report says, or could there be something more? In this documentary we will visit the Murder Suicide House of Athens TX. We will visit the nearby pre-civil war cemetery, never before televised and only seen by a select few, the Willian Richardson Cemetery 1805-1864. We will discuss residual energy, possession, and transmuting negative energy into positive energy.

  • Occult World Trailer - Cemeteries & Graveyard Ghosts

    In this paranormal, reality, docu-series we will explore the world of the dead and our ancestral connections with them. Join this multi-cultured group of spiritualists as they delve into the unknown, share an unusual perspective of the dead, and trigger paranormal activity in this mind boggling experience..