Discover the mysteries of the Edwardian doll “Idesa”. Look through her eyes and witness what transpired in 1905 when a maid was trapped in a nursery with 2 children and “The Mirror of Madness”.
The Mirror of Madness has been around for a very long time. It can change forms, hypnotize a person with a single gaze, and drive them completely mad. It is a gateway to dark places and other dimensions. Meet Randy Lafouge, one of Antiques Macabre’s best procurers. Go get em Randy!
In a southern Louisana town called, Sovereignville, is the house of Lily Avery, a well-known gourmet chef and female entrepreneur in the 1940’s. On a quiet night when an escaped convict, Rudolf Kremp, comes calling, Miss Lily finds herself in mortal danger. But what Rudolf doesn't know is that the women of this town are not to be taken lightly... especially the dead ones.